
Re-distribution of the PeakRDL-cheader code generator tool shall adhere to the terms outlined by the GNU GPL v3 license. For a copy of the license, see:

Why GPL?

GPL was chosen because my intent is to promote a thriving ecosystem of free and open source register automation tools. GPL discourages this tool to be bundled into some commercially sold closed-source software, as that would be contrary to this project’s philosophy.

What is covered by the GPL v3 license?

The GPL license is intended for the code generator itself. This includes all Python sources, Jinja template files, as well as testcase infrastructure not explicitly mentioned in the exemptions below.

What is exempt from the GPL v3 license?

Don’t worry. Not everything that the PeakRDL-cheader project touches is considered GPL v3 code.

The following are exempt and are free to use with no restrictions:

  • Any code that is generated using PeakRDL-cheader is 100% yours. Since it was derived from your regblock definition, it remains yours. You can distribute it freely, use it in proprietary software, sell it as part of an IP, whatever.

  • Any code snippets in this documentation can be freely copy/pasted. These are examples that are intended for this purpose.

Can I use this as part of my company’s internally developed tools?


Sometimes it may be necessary to integrate this into a larger toolchain at your workplace. This is totally OK, as long as you don’t start distributing it outside your workplace in ways that violate the GPL v3 license.

That said, I’d encourage you to check out the PeakRDL command line tool. It might already do everything you need.