Configuring PeakRDL-cheader

If using the PeakRDL command line tool, some aspects of the c-header command can be configured via the PeakRDL TOML file. Any equivalent command-line options will always take precedence.

All C header-specific options are defined under the [c-header] TOML heading.

For example:

std = "gnu17"
type_style = "lexical"
subword_size = 32
bitfields = "ltoh"

Select the C standard that generated output will conform to.


Choose how typedef names are generated.

The lexical style will use RDL lexical scope & type names where possible and attempt to re-use equivalent type definitions.

The hier style uses component’s hierarchy as the struct type name.


Enable generation of register bitfield structs to provide bit-level access to fields.

Since the packing order of C struct bitfields is implementation defined, the packing order must be explicitly specified as ltoh or htol.


C’s <stdint.h> types only extend up to 64-bit types.

If a register is encountered that is larger than this, the generated header will represent it using an array of smaller sub-words. Set the desired sub-word size of 8, 16, 32 or 64.