
PeakRDL C-Header is a python package which can be used to generate a register abstraction layer C Header from a SystemRDL definition.


  • Generates C struct definitions that overlay your hardware address space

  • Supports complex nested structures, arrays, etc.

  • Field bit offset, width, mask, etc #define macros.

  • Can optionally generate register bit-field structs.

  • Optionally generates a test-case to validate correctness of the generated header.

  • Supports the full range of GNU C Standards.


Install from PyPi using pip

python3 -m pip install peakrdl-cheader

Quick Start

The easiest way to use PeakRDL-ipxact is via the PeakRDL command line tool:

# Install the command line tool
python3 -m pip install peakrdl

# Generate a C header
peakrdl c-header example.rdl -o example.h

Using the generated header, you can access your device registers by name!

#include "example.h"

int main void {
    volatile example_t *dev = 0x42000; // hardware address of example device

    dev->my_reg = 1234;
    for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
        dev->block[i].ctrl = 456;

    return 0;